Seeing Dr. Buffie:

Dr. Buffie is an optometrist providing routine adult and paediatric eye exams, including prescribing glasses and contact lenses. He also provides optometric support to the ophthalmologists for patients who do not have their own optometrist. He is able to accept patients without referral.

Please note that we do not sell glasses at GEM Clinic. You can use your prescription for glasses at any Optical store or outlet.

Seeing Dr. Kogan:

Dr. Kogan is a comprehensive ophthalmologist. She accepts adult and paediatric patients (ages 8 and up) for general eye problems in referral only from optometrists or other physicians.

Seeing Dr. Rahman or Dr. Zuñiga:

Dr. Rahman and Dr. Zuñiga are ophthalmologists with subspeciality training in glaucoma. They accept patients in referral from optometrists, other ophthalmologists, and specialists, for the following issues:

  • adult and paediatric glaucoma
  • adult cataract problems

The reason for the limited referral pattern is to ensure that patients have some initial eye screening prior to referral so that patients are triaged appropriately. Referrals without proper initial eye information may be directed to the other doctors for initial assessment.

B221-2025 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3P 0N5


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