Posterior YAG Capsulotomy

During cataract surgery, an artificial lens is implanted inside your eye to replace your natural lens (that clouded into a "cataract" over time). This is implanted inside a thin membranous capsule. After cataract surgery, the back or posterior side of this capsule can get cloudy and form what some people call a "secondary cataract" or a posterior capsular opacity (PCO). This can easily be cleared using a YAG laser by puncturing a hole in the capsule with the laser. This laser procedure is done in the clinic and takes a few minutes.

This is a very low risk procedure. However, the laser energy can cause the vitreous gel inside the eye to shrink away from the retina and cause a tear that can lead to a detached retina. In general, there is a 1% lifetime risk of retinal detachment after cataract surgery. This laser procedure adds a small amount of risk on top of this 1% risk to develop retinal tears or detachment. Therefore, after the initial floaters have settled in about 1-2 days, it is important to note if you experience new floaters or sparks of light that could indicate a retinal change. If this occurs, we need to arrange another dilated retinal exam to ensure that you do not have a new retinal problem.

Your pupils need to be dilated for this procedure. The entire visit (including preparation with dilating drops and laser) may take about 1 to 2 hours. Please plan on being at our office/ mall for this period of time. We also recommend that you do not drive right after the laser. Please arrange a ride.

B221-2025 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3P 0N5


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